Save 100% of your time looking for freelance work
We curate the best opportunities and send them straight to your email. No more endlessly scrolling through job boards.
We curate the best opportunities and send them straight to your email. No more endlessly scrolling through job boards.
You have to type in repeated information, if only there was something doing that for you...
We analyze every opportunity in the market, assign a personalized score and notify you when there's a match.
See the differences between traditional job searching and using gigsent's AI-powered platform.
Time spent daily
2-3 hours
Time spent daily
5 minutes
What people are saying about gigsent.
We built all the features needed to make your job search easier.
Our algorithm matches your job preferences with the best opportunities.
You can filter the opportunities by all the criteria you want.
We send you real-time emails notifications when a new opportunity is available.
Whenever possible, we auto-fill the application form with our AI agent.
We do the heavy lifting of filtering and applying for you. So you can go for a coffee.